Wednesday, March 4, 2015

An Inside Look at our Program, Part 2

Kelly Baick and Maggie Fries give you an inside look at Kent State's Field Hockey program:

"This is Amy Densevich, the field hockey team's Athletic Academic Advisor. Amy helps our team, and several other sports teams at Kent, with class scheduling, graduation and post-graduation planning, and classroom conflicts. Go Amy!"

An Inside Look at our Program, Part 1

Kelly Baick and Maggie Fries give you an inside look at Kent State's Field Hockey program: 

"This is the Athletic Academic Resource Center, the place where our athletes study and get tutoring help. Also has free printing!"

A week in the "selfie" life of a KSUFH student-athlete

Junior - Caroline Corthouts

 Day 1:

"After an extended weekend thanks to two snow days, we went back to work and are all smiles after training this morning."

 Day 2:

"At the marketing department to get some work done. Free milk and cookies at the women's basketball game!! Unbelievably happy!"

Day 3:

"After conditioning and upper body lift I am on my way to the last class of the day. Cold out but beautiful!"

Day 4:

"After a long week and hard work healthy dinners are the best."

Day 5:

"Helping the DJ out at the men's basketball game"